Bharya Malayalam Serial Cast and Crew. Bharya Malayalam Television Mega Serial is airing On Asianet Channel and Its Starring Alina Padikkal, Yuvarani, Ilavarasan, Sonu Satheesh Kumar, Devi Chandana, EA Rajendran etc. Bharya serial started few weeks back and its becoming very popular in kerala now. Watch Asianet Serial Chandanamazha,Pranayam,Parasparam,Karuthamuthu,Athma Sakhi,Manjurukum Kalam,Sundari latest episode| Asianet Malayalam Serials online.
Kasthooriman Story :Kasthooriman is a Malayalam family drama on Asianet. The story focuses on the journeys of siblings Kavya, Keerthy, and Kalyani, who are the daughters of a self-made artist Sethulakshmi. Watch full episodes of Kasthooriman, only on already published the launch date of vanambadi asianet serial. It’s the return of popular film/serial actress chippy to mini screen. Asianet launching this musical television serial from 30th January 2017 at 7.00 p.m. Every monday to saturday at 7.00 p.m to 7.30 p.m is the telecast time of vaanambadi. They have wind up chinthavishtayaya seetha and vanambadi will telecast on that time slot. Adithyan is the director and it’s produced by Renjith under the banner Rejaputhra Visual Media.
It’s the heart-rendering story of a little girl whose passion for music knows no bounds. Amidst all the suffering and pain in life, her only consolation is singing. It will be the first time in the history of Malayalam television, a musical serial is conceived. From the turbulent life of the protagonist to the related characters, there is music at the core of the story.
Every character in the story are crafted in such a way as to create drama and rush of emotions in every scene. It’s their troubled relationships that long for a refuge from the conflicts. Some find it through wealth while some through music. It’s their story from the viewpoint of a little girl blessed with an angelic voice.
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Time | Serial/Show Name |
06:00 P.M | Seethayanam |
06:30 P.M | Pranayam |
07:00 P.M | Vanambadi |
07:30 P.M | Karutha Muthu |
08:00 P.M | Parasparam |
08:30 P.M | Chandanamazha |
09:00 P.M | Bhaarya |
09:30 P.M | Ningalkkum Aakam Kodeeswaran 4 |
10:30 P.M | Best of Comedy Stars Season 2 |
Hotstar app will stream all the latest episodes of Vanambadi Asianet Serial and this show doing excellent performance at trp charts. Asianet shows listed only in the top 5, it’s completed more than 1 year on the channel. it’s tamil version is mounaragam and airing on star vijay channel.