1. Bulgarian Makarov Serial Numbers
  2. Serial Numbers For Electronics
[Last Edit: 10/22/2012 7:53:26 AM EDT by GaryT1776]

Bulgarian Makarov Serial Numbers

Its well established that the 'BD' prefix is where the SLR-106 series feedramp fix came into play. However, I have an 'IK' prefix and don't know if that was before or after the 'BD'.
German prefixes correlate to a date. Example given: AJ = 09 (as in 2009). In the 1990's I owned a German HK91 with an 'IB' date code which meant 81 (as in 1981). Arsenal codes can't fit into this format, because the 'BD' would equal 13 or 2013 and 'IK' would equal 80 or ???.
Anyone decipher the codes?

Serial Numbers For Electronics

Makarov (PM - Pistolet Makarova) - Here you will find the serial number break down by letters and numbers in order to find out when you Makarov firearm was created. This is as simple as matching red to red, blue to blue, or 1 to 1. Ensure you have your serial number handy and visit this site to begin. Please note, the 1970 date is start of all Production at this plant using the 'Circle 10' code, the Makarov was first produced under Russian supervision in 1975, and first year of Production under Bulgarian control was 1976.