Watch video The meme has taken over Aussie culture so much so that there's a belief that 'cracking open a cold one with the boys' is an entirely new meme.
Crack A Cold One
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- It means opening (cracking) a beer (cold one) to drink.
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If you've been online in the last couple of weeks, you've probably seen puns, memes, poems, and tweets all about one thing: 'cracking open a cold one with the boys.'
The meme has rocketed itself to the public's attention recently, despite the fact that it originally started with a Facebook page in 2015. Back then, it had a pretty standard (albeit bigger than normal) meme audience. Now it's hard to spend 10 minutes on social media without seeing a COACOWTB meme somewhere.
Crack A Cold One Classic
The cause for the meme's sudden revival seems to be an overnight growth of American fans and an increasing Australian circulation. The meme has taken over Aussie culture so much so that there's a belief that 'cracking open a cold one with the boys' is an entirely new meme spawned from the good ol' Aussie tropes of drinking, larrikinism, and friendship.
Influential Australian meme pages like Yeah the Boys and Shit Memes all shared COACOWTB memes in late May, causing a host of copycat accounts to generate their own attempts.
As the meme continued to grow once more, it started being spliced with other current-day trends, like remixes of Childish Gambino's incredibly catchy 'Redbone.'
Or the bizarre 'student athlete text message' meme.
Then all it needed was a few well-placed, influential Twitter accounts to take on the meme.
Which meant it found its way onto Twitter-for-the-masses.
Crack Open A Cold One With The Boys
Meme encyclopedia KnowYourMeme links the resurgence of COACOWTB to a January 2017 YouTube video called 'Cracking open a cold one with the boys 1 million times,' in which, you guessed it, a can is cracked open, overlapping, 1 million times.
A subreddit was also set up for the meme, and from there it was shared to influential Reddit pages r/MemeEconomy and r/DankMemes. (Think of these subreddits as places that decide if a meme deserves to take off or not.)
Crack Open A Cold One With The Boys Meaning
And this Google Trends spike shows you that the attention for cold ones with the boys has been very sudden and very real.
The admins of the now hugely followed COACOWTB Facebook page, who are all from Australia and based in Townsville, said they started the page as a joke and that it is very much Aussie-created.
BuzzFeed News asked the admins if the decision to start creating memes without labeled beers was because of the sudden spike in US interest in the meme.
Take A Crack Meaning
So there you go. That's all you need to know about cracking open a cold one with the boys. May you crack on into eternity.
Crack Open A Cold One Meaningful Beauty
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