Have your wife lie on her side supported by pillows.

  1. How To Crack Back Between Shoulder Blades
  2. How To Crack Lower Back When Pregnant

Back pain is also common with pregnancy, as the weight of the growing fetus puts strain on the back. Often these symptoms aren’t a cause for concern for pregnant women. This article addresses, in a casual fashion, the causes and possible self-treatments and exercises for back pain in the third trimester of pregnancy. We look at the structure of the spine and muscle groups that stabilize the hips and lower back.

How To Crack Back Between Shoulder Blades

The safest and most comfortable position for a massage is for your wife to lie on her side with pillows below her head and belly for support. That will help prevent strain on her uterine ligaments. You can also place a pillow between her knees to help cushion her legs and hips, and she may be more comfortable if her knees are bent and slightly drawn up toward her chest.[2]

How To Crack Lower Back When Pregnant

  • Allow your wife to determine her comfort level, and help her make any adjustments to the pillows or her position if she needs them.
  • Your wife shouldn’t lie on her back, especially after her fourth month of pregnancy. This can create pressure on major blood vessels that can lower your wife’s blood pressure and cause decreased blood supply to the baby.[3]
  • A semi-reclining position can also be effective for massage. For instance, you may place a pillow against your belly, then have your wife lean into you so her back is against the pillow. She can also rest her head against your chest, especially if you're just massaging her neck and scalp. However, if you're massaging her shoulders and back, she'll probably need to lean forward slightly.
  • Your wife might also try kneeling on the floor facing the bed. She can then rest her arms on the bed to support herself, if that's comfortable for her.[4]