Too many numbers in that serial number! A model 92 with a serialnumber in the 98xxx range would be dating to 1894, but they nevermade any in the 98xxxx range. Maybe you accidentally added an extradigit?
Firearm serial numbers were date coded by a prefix within the s/n, as signified below. For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N1255X would have been made in 1955 while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 2510509X, would have equated to 1975. Jan 16, 2009 This date code is different than the one already listed, as Marlin rimfire rifles (other than the model 39 series) did not have a serial numbers until required to by Law after 1968. The first letter of the date code represented the month of manufacture while the second letter indicated the year.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 336 rifle was made in the year 1971.
I would date your marlin model 92 to the year 1907.
Send me the serial # so I can tell you which year it was manufactured.
I know that you can check with they may help you identify when your unit was manufactured.
1959.The R prefix to your serial number dates your Marlin model 39A to the years 1957-1958.
The V prefix to the serial number that you provided indicates that your marlin model 39-A was made from 1961-august 1962.
your marlin model 90 was made between 1937-1948.starting in 1949 there would have been a letter prefix to the serial number.
Your Marlin model 1893 rifle was made in the year 1895,with the serial number that you have provided.
The Marlin model 1895gs with serial 98025023 was manufactured in the early 1900's. models, Models such 1891 and 1893. Today known as Models 39 and 336 respectively, they are the oldest shoulder arm designs in the world still being produced.
your marlin .22 model 60 was made in 1981 because if you take your first two numbers off your serial number you get 19 subtract 19 from 2000 you get 1981 :)
serial # starting 98 98 minus 100 = 2 manufactured in 2002
The J.C. Higgins Model 43 was manufactured by Marlin Firearms. It is the same as the marlin Model 83 Blackhawk_45 The J.C. Higgins Model 43 was manufactured by Marlin Firearms. It is the same as the marlin Model 83 Blackhawk_45
1949. An F prefix was made in 1949.
It was manufactured in 1967. 'AC' is the prefix code for weapons made in that year.
Confusing question: If you have a Marlin with the serial # 1893 it was made about 1881-1882. If you have a model 1893 Marlin then send me an email with the serial # or repost your question with the model 1893 serial #.C6787
Your Marlin model 1893 rifle was made by marlin in 1894 with the serial number that you provided.
Your Marlin model 336RC(regular Carbine) will range in price from 200-350 dollars,depending on the overall condition of the wood and metal,and a good bore.Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 336 was made in the year 1976.
Your Marlin model 25 was made in the year 1985,with the serial number that you have provided.
With the serial number you have supplied,your Marlin model 25 was made in the year 1987.
You have not asked a question.Please include the serial number to your marlin model 1894 rifle to get a correct answer.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 30A was made in the year 1982.
Databases listing firearms by serial number are not available for public access, so this question can not be specifically answered. However, the Marlin Model 20 was manufactured from 1960 to 1966, meaning any firearm of that model would be between 53 and 59 years old.
Your Marlin model 30AS was made by Marlin in the year 1995 with the serial number that you provided.
your marlin model 1897 was made by marlin in 1903.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Marlin model 781 was made in the year 1975.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Marlin model 60 was made in the year 1976.
Cannot be answered unless you provide a serial number to your Marlin model 336RC(regular carbine).
Your Marlin model 60 was made in the year 1996 with the serial number provided.
Your Marlin model 780 was made in the year 1977 with the serial number that you have provided.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 781 was made in the year 1972.
Your marlin model 39A was made in the year 1980,with the serial number that you have supplied.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 995 was made in the year 1984.
your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 336 rifle was made in the year 1984.
Your marlin model 1897 .22cal rifle was made by marlin in 1898.
this unit was manufactured from 1906-1908 low and high serial #s ranged from 49,197 to 142,146. my guess 1907. catfishiowa
Your Marlin model 781 was produced in the year 1975 with the serial number that you provided.
Your Marlin model 25MN was made in the year 1990,with the serial number that you have provided.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 39A was made in the year 1981.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 60 rifle was made in the year 1973.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1982.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 60 rifle was made in the year 1985.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 60 was made in the year 1985.
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin model 336 was made in the year 1971.
With the serial number that you provided,your marlin model 1893 rifle was made by marlin in 1904.