The term “restored” refers to professional internal and professional external restoration and rebuilding, not just cabinet refinishing and internal cleaning, etc. Many people think that because grandma refinished their piano or organ in the garage 10 years ago that the instrument is “restored” and worth a fortune – not true. In fact, a non-professional refinishing job will usually reduce the value of an instrument, much like a poor quality paint job on an automobile. Like the antique automobile, piano/organ restoration includes professional rebuilding of the internal mechanisms as well as the cosmetics and finish.
In fact, a non-professional refinishing job will usually reduce the value of an instrument, much like a poor quality paint job on an automobile. Like the antique automobile, piano/organ restoration includes professional rebuilding of the internal mechanisms as well as the cosmetics and finish. Piano value by serial number keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website. To find the age of your piano, you will need the name and serial number. Service Records If you have had the piano serviced on a regular basis, find those tuning receipts as proof the piano has been well maintained.
If you invested in having the automobile restored to make it a show car, you could then expect it to sell for a tidy sum – likely at a nice profit after your investment. Pianos and organs are the same way. Restored instruments sell for high dollars – original, unrestored instruments simply do not.
Over the past two decades, we have seen the value of antique pianos and organs nearly double across the board. Much of the credit goes to education – folks are now able to go to the internet and learn about what they have, often encouraged to invest and preserve their instruments. The best way to get a general sense of what instruments are worth (after restoration) is by comparing them against what similar instruments are selling for in the real market. It may be helpful if you go to our online showroom. Here you can see what different types and styles of instruments have been selling for over the past few years.
How many home renovation or “house-flipping” shows have you seen on TV lately? People all over the country are renovating old homes and buildings so that they can be sold for profit in the end. Much like the real estate industry, restoring a vintage instrument adds real value to the piece, ultimately making the instrument worth more than the cost of restoration in most cases.
In creating this website, we realize that there will be some bias toward encouraging folks to invest in restoration and preservation – after all, that is the business we are in. That being said, the following information is based on 20 years of experience in this business and it reflects what we see happening in the real market today. This information is meant to help educate, and it isn’t meant to insult or offend anyone who has a differing opinion about the value of their heirloom instrument.
Antique pianos and organs can be valued anywhere from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It is important that sellers realize the real value difference between a restored instrument and an unrestored instrument. Sadly, we see original, unrestored antique instruments selling for only a fraction of their potential restored value. Although we do not offer official appraisals, we have provided some information here to help you understand the current and potential value of your instrument a bit better.
$400 – $1,200 in poor condition
$2,000 – $8,000 in average to good condition
$18,000 – $27,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$300 – $1,100 in poor condition
$1,600 – $6,500 in average to good condition
$17,000 – $24,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$200 – $1,000 in poor condition
$1,200 – $4,500 in average to good condition
$15,000 – $22,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$100 – $800 in poor condition
$1,000 – $3,000 in average to good condition
$13,000 – $20,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$500 – $1,000 in poor condition
$2,000 – $3,000 good, non-functional condition
$3,500 – $6,500 in functional condition
$22,000 – $28,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$1,500 – $3,500 in poor condition
$4,000 – $10,000 in average to good original condition
$38,000 – $82,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$1,200 – $3,000 in poor condition
$3,500 – $8,000 in average to good original condition
$28,000 – $55,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$1,000 – $2,500 in poor condition
$3,000 – $6,000 in average to good original condition
$22,000– $44,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$800 – $1,500 in poor condition
$2,500 – $4,500 in average to good original condition
$20,000 – $31,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$1,000 – $2,500 in poor condition
$3,500 – $6,500 in average to good original condition
$31,000 – $55,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$1,000 – $1,500 in poor condition
$2,500 – $4,500 in average to good original condition
$7,000 – $11,000 totally restored to factory-new condition
$800 – $1,500 in poor condition
$2,000 – $4,000 in average to good original condition
$7,000 – $9,500 totally restored to factory-new condition
Small spinet & console pianos built after 1930 fall into the “Mid-Century Modern” category. We do not deal with spinet & console style pianos. We suggest you contact your local piano technican for information about them.