Saraswatichandra is an Indian soap opera and romantic drama, initially produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and written by Ved Raj and Abhijit Sinha. The show was initially based on Govardhanram Tripathi's novel of the same name. It aired on Star Plus from 25 February 2013 to 20 September 2014.

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  4. Saraswatichandra Serial Kumud

Review: SaraswatichandraMon, 09 Sep 2019

Watch Saraswati Chandra Serial Online

It may have the top stars of telly land, but the show is not doing as expected!

Saraswatichandra Serial

Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Saraswatichandra on Star Plus is heartbreakingly boring.Jennifer Winget’s first project post marriage to Karan Singh Grover started with much fanfare, but the show has failed to keep viewers hooked. It is slow, there’s not enough romance, Monica Bedi is overacting, the storyline is predictable… the list is endless.

According to last week’s TAM results the show received only 1.6, which is definitely not a good number if the makers wish to prolong SC for three or four years. But if the daily soap has gorgeous and talented actors like Jennifer and Gautam Rode in the title role, why is it not doing well? A birdie from the sets – we told you too – quipped that Mrs Karan Singh Grover doesn’t want to get intimate on screen ‘coz her hubby has objections. And that is causing a lot of trouble for the makers. Obviously, without intimacy a love story will not last too long.

Saraswati Chandra Serial Cast

As per the Gujarati novel by Govardhanram Madhavaram Tripathi on which the TV show is based, a new man is supposed to enter Kumud’s life. However, with Jennifer’s tantrums and various issues, the makers are now introducing a new female character into Saraswatichandra’s life. It is rumoured that the role will be played by Vahbbiz Dorabjee (Vivian D’Sena’s wife). We hope Vivian has no qualms about his fairly new wife getting up close and personal with another actor onscreen.

Besides all the melodrama happening off the small screen, there’s too much nautanki happening on the show as well. Monica, who plays Ghuman – the antagonist – is supposed to be a conniving and shrewd woman, but somehow the actor simply overdoes things. Her hamming tends to put people off.

Saraswatichandra Serial Kumud

With so much going on, the daily soap is bound to get a lot of attention, not all of it positive. And with sinking TRPs, we suggest that the makers pick up the pace, make it crispier and more fun and just plain get on with it! So much drama is best left for the big screen and on a dramatic scale. Producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali will agree with that one – right, SLB?

Review written by Letty Mariam Abraham