Playing backups on GameCube - making your own XenoGC When faced with the problem of scratching discs one starts to seek the alternatives to wearing out once expensive GameCube games. One solution is making a backup copies of our games and playing (and inevitably scratching) them while the original ones sit safely on the shelf. Supply & Installation service Nintendo Gamecube XenoGC We can supply the XenoGC and Install it in your console, or you can send in your own XenoGC chip for installation.
Hello! I'm selling a black Gamecube modded with a GCVideo Pluto IIx HDMI board which allows 480i/p over HDMI, and has also been fitted with a XenoGC mod chip and POT tweaked to read backups. (Can also use imported games) The Pluto HDMI board is mounted on a 3D printed bracket and screwed into the console, so it is very secure in place, much more than hot glue.
The GameCube comes with an internally mounted microSD adapter which is mounted on the bottom under the serial port 1 cover (shown in the pictures), and will ship with the power adapter, a Swiss disk, and 4GB microSD included as well.
Looking to sell for $230 + shipping (USPS Priority Mail Medium Flat Rate Box), but price can be negotiated.
So I got a cheap XenoGC knockoff and it looks just fine. Soldered it in, light blinked once then turned off. Reflowed two of the joints and now the lights seem to be saying it's fine, I think. Hard to tell with the two red LEDs on the knockoff. But when I try to read a disk, including a genuine USA disc on my USA cube that works fine on my Wii, it just shows an error after the drive kinda spins up then spins back down then spins up over and over. Tried cleaning the laser lens, and the pot was fine to read a burnt game through Swiss. Anyone know what might be causing this? It's not a huge problem if I can't fix it since my Wii with component cables can play GC games just fine, but I'd still like to fix this.