I found a young chang upright on the craigslist. Got the serial # 1956759 from the owner. But couldn't find details about it. Can anybody help?
Also saw a Baby Grand Piano Mason Hamlin ask for $1000 on carigslist today. The picture looks good. But owner didn't list more infor. Will email to ask the serial #.
I am originally not looking at baby grand as it occupies so much space and the kid will just get to start the lesson. But I didn't find any nice upright so far and this one is listed so cheap. Wondering if it worth a try?

Fenix Young Chang Serial Numbers

  1. The low 6-digit serial number denotes a relatively early Gulbransenpiano. In this case, the piano with a serial number 285144 wouldhave been produced somewhere in mid- to late 1928. This year beganwith serial 282000 and progressed on up to 300000, which marked thestart of the 1929 production year.
  2. Step 1: The serial number is usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings. It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid on Upright Pianos. You are looking for a number like those shown here.

Young Chang Pianos

HOW OLD IS YOUR PIANO? - FIND THE AGE & SERIAL NUMBER OF YOUR PIANO. Some piano manufacturers place serial numbers in various places. The age of your piano is determined by the Serial Number. Pianos also have numbers other than serial numbers, such is the case with part or patent numbers. Some pianos do not have serial numbers when they are manufactured as 'House Brands'.