'Of course, demonstrated through the medium of dance.:) Featuring the Poorly Maid herself, on one of her better days. Sorry vid just sort of peters out, these things are long winded and oft tiresome. Install (in this order):-HDT Physics Extension-HDT Breast and Butt Physics-The TBBP Animation of Dragonfly-XP32 Maximum Skeleton!!!(Say yes to all when asked to overwrite and save the Custom Skeleton Install for last)!!!
I'm simply just trying to get HDT Physics Extensions and Equipment as well as Equipping Overhaul working. I only have the base files and SKYUI installed for the MCM. I've tried installing both HDT Plugins through MO, as well as the Equipping Overhaul. While in game: Equipping Overhaul works just fine, and works without HDT installed, but HDT seems to be having some issues: bringing the favorites menu up makes the equipment move slightly outward of where they already are, almost as if they're floating. Also if I use the favorites menu to switch weapons while in combat mode, it would show that my weapons are invisible, although leaving the favorites menu show them again. I'm almost positive it has something to do with only HDT. Not sure if I forgot a step. the HDT extensions were an easy install, and the HDT Equipment had it's own installer. The HDT animations are working fine enough while in-game, but I'd like a problem-free install of HDT.