
How To Install War Band Mods For Steam Users

This is an expansion to Floris Expanded Mod Pack, you need it to play this mod.


How to Install:
To Install in Addition to FEMP...
1) Make a copy of your ...WarbandModulesFloris Expanded Mod Pack folder.
2) Rename it something obvious/you'll remember (e.g. Floris Improved)
3) Unzip these files into your new/copied folder
4) Make a copy of your ...DocumentsMount&Blade Warband SavegamesFloris Expanded Mod Pack folder
5) Rename it to whatever you named the Modules folder (e.g. Floris Improved)
6) Play!
1) Unzip into your ...WarbandModulesFloris Expanded Mod Pack folder.
2) Play!
To use an alternative trooptree
1) Install Floris Improved Normally
2) open Floris Improved troops.txt and floris expanded troops.txt
3) copy the last lines from floris improved, the ones that are not in floris expanded.
4) Paste them in the alterative troops.txt
5) change the number in the fist line

How To Install Warband Mods Windows 10

NOTE:Installing over FEMP is not recommended because this is yet very buggy, so I recommend to install in another folder.

How To Install Mount And Blade War Band Mods

So i purchased Warband from steam and im having all kinds of problems with the mods. That said i own the original and had no problems what so ever, I tried lots of conversions and tweaks. I think the problem is due to the multiple install locations.