Originally Posted by Ko Improbable I'm fairly sure the LC9 is Ruger's copy of the PF-9. I.E. I think they're so close, dimensionally, as to be virtually the same. I just wish they hadn't added the on/off safety lever and magazine disconnect. I will, at least, give them props on the magazine disconnect being done right, unlike others (ahem, Bersa Thunder, I'm looking at you). The chances of the gun failing to function because the magazine is *almost* in are low with the LC9. Or, at least, it would be nice to see a version of the LC9 without the failure lever. |
Originally Posted by Combat Diver DMV, Would you care to describe them deminsionally against each other? Which was thinner, smaller etc. Thanks CD |
The two pistols are almost identical in size...length, height, and width. As stated above. the LC9 does have an external safety, and the PF9 does not. I sold the PF9, so I can not measure it, but there isn't a dime worth of difference in the two. By far, the biggest difference in the pistols is the price, and the fact that the KelTec shoots very hard. It almost felt to me like I was shooting magnum rounds in the KelTec. Dennis |