A Trend Micro research paper that reveals the operations and cybercriminals behind Predator Pain and Limitless Keylogger, which are malware toolkits that are easily obtained from underground forums. Predator Pain is a premium keylogger which is used by cybercriminals and hackers to steal keystrokes from unaware victims. The Predator Pain (Predator 13) keylogger has been analyzed by MalwareConfig and they have published various PredatorPain samples which can be used for analysis. HawkEye is yet another off-the-shelf crimeware with close ties to Predator Pain and Limitless - keyloggers used in campaigns that also targeted SMBs in 2014. Piercing the HawkEye: Nigerian Cybercriminals Use a Simple Keylogger to Prey on SMBs Worldwide. Piercing the HawkEye: Nigerian Cybercriminals Use a Simple Keylogger to Prey on SMBs.
Predator Pain Keylogger - Partial Dump Of Strings In Memory
0x230448 (28): MACHINE_CONFIG
0x249c48 (20): System.Windows.Forms
0x249dc8 (16): GDI+ Hook Window
0x249ee8 (21): Microsoft.VisualBasic
0x24c540 (14): KazyLoader.dll
0x1991ff9 (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x199279a (14): KazyLoader.dll
0x199300a (30): VS_VERSION_INFO
0x1993086 (22): Translation
0x19930e6 (22): CompanyName
0x199313c (20): KazyLoader
0x199318a (24): InternalName
0x19931ca (28): LegalCopyright
0x19931fe (30): Microsoft 2014
0x1993248 (28): KazyLoader.dll
0x1993288 (20): KazyLoader
0x19932da (32): Assembly Version
0x19983a8 (24): winlogon.exe
0x19983ec (116): The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
0x1998580 (34): HKEY_CURRENT_USER
0x19985e8 (20): HKEY_USERS
0x199864c (38): HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
0x1998890 (106): SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
0x1998958 (116): SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionPoliciesSystem
0x1998a68 (40): -reg 'explorer.exe,
0x199cda4 (88): SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
0x199ce64 (22): Server Core
0x19b58b4 (22): dontclearff
0x19b592c (28): websitevisitor
0x19b598c (36): DisableAdminRights
0x19b5b04 (22): Disablemelt
0x19b5b54 (20): Disablecmd
0x19b5bac (32): Disablespreaders
0x19b5c0c (38): Windows Update.exe
0x19b6935 (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x19b7252 (18): CMemoryExecute.dll
0x19b78d1 (14): CMemoryExecute
0x19b7d46 (30): VS_VERSION_INFO
0x19b7dc2 (22): Translation
0x19b7e22 (30): FileDescription
0x19b7e6a (22): FileVersion
0x19b7eb4 (36): CMemoryExecute.dll
0x19b7f00 (20): Copyright
0x19b7f4c (36): CMemoryExecute.dll
0x19b7f94 (28): CMemoryExecute
0x19b7fee (32): Assembly Version
0x19bb738 (36): WindowsUpdate.exe
0x19bb7bc (22): pidloc.txt
0x19bb814 (30): Disablestealers
0x19bb898 (22): Disableclip
0x19c011c (58): results@facebookmarketers.net
0x19c01d0 (24): ftp.host.com
0x19c02bc (98): http://www.DeceptiveEngineering.com/path/logs.php
0x19c04b0 (26): GetHostByName
0x19c054c (44): <!-- do not script -->
0x19c0734 (26): net_webclient
0x19c09b0 (20): WebRequest
0x19c1e84 (28): HttpWebRequest
0x19c216c (20): bypasslist
0x19c2584 (20): autoDetect
0x19c25dc (26): bypassonlocal
0x19c2634 (32): usesystemdefault
0x19c4e4c (56): http://whatismyipaddress.com
0x19cb7ec (60): SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct
0x19cb884 (24): COMPUTERNAME
0x19cc048 (28): //./root/cimv2
0x19cd7ac (30): Disablefakerror
0x19ce324 (38): bitcoinwallet.dat
0x19ce384 (20): wallet.dat
0x19ce748 (28): Disablestartup
0x19ce778 (90): SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
0x19cffd4 (72): This is an email notifying you that
0x19d0030 (262): has ran your logger and emails should be sent to you shortly and at interval choosen.
Predator Logger Details:
0x19d0148 (42):
0x19d0184 (56):
0x19d01d0 (74):
0x19d022c (62): minutes
Stealers Enabled:
Time Log will be delivered: Average 2 to 4 minutes
Local Date and Time:
Installed Language:
Operating System:
Internal IP Address:
External IP Address:
Installed Anti-Virus:
Installed Firewall:
0x19d04d8 (60): Predator_Painv13_Notification_
0x19d0544 (68): Predator Pain v13 - Server Ran - [
0x19d05d8 (78): Predator Pain v13|Minecraft Stealer - [
0x19d0638 (312): There is a file attached to this email containing Minecraft username and password download it then decrypt the login information with my Minecraft Decryptor
0x19d09b4 (42): Win32_OperatingSystem
0x19d0fcc (70): select * from Win32_OperatingSystem
0x19d13f8 (46): DeviceIndependentBitmap
0x19d148c (24): MetaFilePict
0x19d14e4 (42): DataInterchangeFormat
0x19d1648 (22): HTML Format
0x19d16a4 (32): PersistentObject
0x19d1704 (60): WindowsForms10PersistentObject
0x19d1904 (72): Predator Pain v13 - Key Recorder - [
0x19d1960 (454): **********************************************
0x19d1b38 (458):
Keylogger Log
0x19d1d64 (36): screensscreenshot
0x19d2ebc (48): specifiedPickupDirectory
0x19d32f8 (36): defaultCredentials
0x19d33a4 (20): targetName
0x19d3938 (46): pickupDirectoryLocation
0x19d4010 (68): SMTPSVC/mail.facebookmarketers.net
0x19d4784 (56): MailAddressUnsupportedFormat
0x19d48a8 (42): facebookmarketers.net
0x19d4904 (90): Predator Pain v13 - Server Ran - [SOME-PC]
0x19db7e0 (30): DeliveryMethod=
0x19dbafc (72): ByHost:mail.facebookmarketers.net:25
0x19dbbd8 (72): ByHost:mail.facebookmarketers.net:25
0x19dc5b4 (42): facebookmarketers.net
0x19dc7d4 (84): Microsoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727vbc.exe
0x19dc8a8 (28): holdermail.txt
0x1b69360 (486): **********************************************
0x1b69558 (46):
0x1b69598 (30):
0x1b695c8 (58):
0x1b69614 (56):
0x1b69660 (466):
WEB Browser Password Recovery
0x1b69a2c (930):
Internet Download Manager Recovery
0x1b69e2c (66): Predator Pain v13|Stealer Log - [
0x1b69eac (24): holderwb.txt
0x1df1ff0 (70): select * from Win32_OperatingSystem
0x1e15db4 (72): f:ddToolsdevdivEcmaPublicKey.snk
0x1e24a8c (76): Unable to connect to the remote server
0x1e24de8 (42): Failure sending mail.
0x1e327c0 (74): Pain File Stealer Bitcoin Stealer - [
0x1e3281c (128): Steals the Wallet.DAT file that holds the users bitcoin currency
0x2996e2d (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x299932f (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x299e3e8 (36): WebBrowserPassView
0x299e473 (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x299ed90 (18): CMemoryExecute.dll
0x299f40f (14): CMemoryExecute
0x299f57a (121): C:UsersJovanDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsStealerCMemoryExecuteCMemoryExecuteobjReleaseCMemoryExecute.pdb
0x299f8e0 (22): VarFileInfo
0x299f924 (28): StringFileInfo
0x299f982 (28): CMemoryExecute
0x299f9d8 (24): InternalName
0x299fa20 (28): LegalCopyright
0x299fa68 (32): OriginalFilename
0x299fab8 (22): ProductName
0x299faf8 (28): ProductVersion
0x299fe78 (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x29e24ef (36): WebBrowserPassView
0x29e2543 (82): Apple ComputerPreferenceskeychain.plist
0x29e25e3 (27): com.apple.WebKit2WebProcess
0x29e260b (138): SELECT origin_url, action_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, password_value, signon_realm, date_created from logins
0x29e272b (40): LoadPasswordsFirefox
0x29e277f (36): LoadPasswordsOpera
0x29e27cf (44): LoadPasswordsSeaMonkey
0x29e282f (46): UseFirefoxInstallFolder
0x29e288f (40): UseOperaPasswordFile
0x29e28e7 (40): FirefoxInstallFolder
0x29e293b (34): OperaPasswordFile
0x29e2962 (57): 'Account','Login Name','Password','Web Site','Comments'
0x29e2c0f (11): CredDeleteA
0x29e2c2b (14): CredEnumerateW
0x29e2c53 (18): CryptUnprotectData
0x29e2c7f (19): CryptReleaseContext
0x29e2ca3 (17): CryptGetHashParam
0x29e2cc7 (16): CryptDestroyHash
0x29e32ef (15): SQLite format 3
type text,
tbl_name text,
sql text
0x29e707b (130): SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathsseamonkey.exe
0x29e7133 (32): SOFTWAREMozilla
0x29e71cb (129): SELECT id, hostname, httpRealm, formSubmitURL, usernameField, passwordField, encryptedUsername, encryptedPassword FROM moz_logins
0x29e726f (24): signons2.txt
0x29e72a7 (28): signons.sqlite
0x29e7553 (84): MicrosoftWindowsWebCacheWebCacheV01.dat
0x29e75ab (84): MicrosoftWindowsWebCacheWebCacheV24.dat
0x29e7633 (116): SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerIntelliFormsStorage2
0x29e76ab (88): https://www.google.com/accounts/servicelogin
0x29e773b (72): https://login.yahoo.com/config/login
0x29e77d7 (22): :stringdata
0x29e7e79 (24): @history.dat
0x29e7eaf (32): MozillaProfiles
0x29e7f07 (52): MozillaSeaMonkeyProfiles
0x29e7f63 (30): MozillaFirefox
0x29e8157 (22): sqlite3.dll
0x29e819b (12): NSS_Shutdown
0x29e81c3 (13): PK11_FreeSlot
0x29e81eb (17): PK11_Authenticate
0x29e82df (20): Login Data
0x29e8327 (54): GoogleChrome SxSUser Data
0x29e838b (58): OperaOpera7profilewand.dat
0x29e859b (20): PStoreCreateInstance
0x29ebb43 (22): ProductName
0x29ebb7b (22): FileVersion
0x29ebbb3 (22): CompanyName
0x29ebbe7 (28): LegalCopyright
0x29ebc2b (22): log profile
0x29ebc83 (14): VaultOpenVault
0x29ebca3 (19): VaultEnumerateItems
0x29ebcd7 (12): VaultGetItem
0x29ebd3b (68): f:ProjectsVS2005WebBrowserPassViewReleaseWebBrowserPassView.pdb
0x29f2eff (44): Load Passwords From...
0x29f2f8f (26): Google Chrome
0x29f30e7 (30): Firefox Options
0x29f3187 (32): Firefox Profile:
0x29f32a3 (28): Chrome Options
0x29f336b (26): Opera Options
0x29f38a5 (50): Select a filename to save
0x29f38d9 (382): Web Browser Passwords%Choose another Firefox profile folder)Choose the installation folder of Firefox,Choose another profile of Chrome Web browser,Choose the password file of Opera (wand.dat)
Loading... %d
0x29f3a97 (46): Tab Delimited Text File
0x29f3aeb (44): HTML File - Horizontal
0x29f3b55 (50): Comma Delimited Text File
0x29f3bbf (58): Opera Password File All Files
0x29f3c53 (54): Internet Explorer 7.0 - 9.0
0x29f3ca3 (22): Firefox 2.x
0x29f3d0b (64): Internet Explorer 10.0 SeaMonkey
0x29f3dbd (34): Password Strength
0x29f3e01 (28): Password Field
0x29f3e65 (22): Very Strong
0x29f3fd1 (28): StringFileInfo
0x29f403d (30): FileDescription
0x29f408d (22): FileVersion
0x29f40d3 (36): WebBrowserPassView
0x29f411f (20): Copyright
0x29f4169 (32): OriginalFilename
0x29f41c1 (22): ProductName
0x29f4209 (28): ProductVersion
0x29f4259 (22): Translation
0x29f5cdd (44): !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
0x2a07088 (14): POP3 User Name
0x2a070a8 (18): HTTPMail User Name
0x2a070cc (11): POP3 Server
0x2a070e4 (15): HTTPMail Server
0x2a07100 (14): POP3 Password2
0x2a07120 (18): HTTPMail Password2
0x2a0715c (13): HTTPMail Port
0x2a07190 (22): IMAP Secure Connection
0x2a071c4 (22): SMTP Secure Connection
0x2a071f0 (18): SMTP Email Address
0x2a07214 (13): IMAP Password
0x2a07234 (13): SMTP Password
0x2a07290 (12): POP3 Use SPA
0x2a072b0 (16): HTTPMail Use SSL
0x2a072d4 (12): Display Name
0x2a07304 (52): SoftwareMicrosoftInternet Account ManagerAccounts
0x2a07344 (62): SoftwareMicrosoftOfficeOutlookOMI Account ManagerAccounts
0x2a07390 (12): EmailAddress
0x2a073c0 (12): PopLogSecure
0x2a073dc (11): SMTPAccount
0x2a07400 (13): SMTPLogSecure
0x2a07420 (31): SoftwareIncrediMailIdentities
0x2a07488 (13): ReturnAddress
0x2a074ac (13): Personalities
0x2a074cc (13): ESMTPUsername
0x2a074ec (10): POP3Server
0x2a07508 (12): POP3Password
0x2a07524 (19): SoftwareGroup Mail
0x2a07550 (12): %s@yahoo.com
0x2a07563 (57): 'Account','Login Name','Password','Web Site','Comments'
0x2a075b0 (100): www.google.com/Please log in to your Gmail account
0x2a07618 (108): www.google.com:443/Please log in to your Gmail account
0x2a07688 (102): www.google.com/Please log in to your Google Account
0x2a076f0 (110): www.google.com:443/Please log in to your Google Account
0x2a07760 (55): SoftwareMicrosoftWindows Messaging SubsystemProfiles
0x2a07798 (81): SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows Messaging SubsystemProfiles
0x2a077ec (47): SoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0OutlookProfiles
0x2a07b28 (16): POP3_credentials
0x2a07b54 (40): SoftwareGoogleGoogle DesktopMailboxes
0x2a07b84 (36): SoftwareGoogleGoogle TalkAccounts
0x2a08024 (20): mail.account.account
0x2a08050 (11): mail.server
0x2a08098 (13): mail.identity
0x2a080d8 (10): mailbox://
0x2a080fc (12): imap://%s@%s
0x2a08110 (129): SELECT id, hostname, httpRealm, formSubmitURL, usernameField, passwordField, encryptedUsername, encryptedPassword FROM moz_logins
0x2a081b0 (11): signons.txt
0x2a081f4 (30): Password.NET Messenger Service
0x2a08230 (31): SoftwareMicrosoftMSNMessenger
0x2a08250 (35): SoftwareMicrosoftMessengerService
0x2a0828c (11): ps:password
0x2a082c0 (17): windowslive:name=
0x2a08eec (11): *.oeaccount
0x2a08f10 (28): MicrosoftWindows Live Mail
0x2a08f48 (20): SoftwareYahooPager
0x2a08fd8 (44): f:ProjectsVS2005mailpvReleasemailpv.pdb
0x2a0d588 (30): Outlook Express
0x2a0d5ce (52): Group Mail Free
0x2a0d604 (60): MS Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010
0x2a0d666 (50): Yahoo! Mail
0x2a0d69a (22): Thunderbird
0x2a0d6d0 (24): Windows Mail
0x2a0d70e (24): Outlook 2013
0x2a0d96a (30): VS_VERSION_INFO
0x2a0da02 (22): CompanyName
0x2a0da54 (44): Mail Password Recovery
0x2a0dab6 (24): InternalName
0x2a0daf2 (28): LegalCopyright
0x2a0db26 (44): 2003 - 2013 Nir Sofer
0x2a0db7c (20): mailpv.exe
0x2a0dbb4 (26): Mail PassView
0x2a0dc06 (22): VarFileInfo
0x2a10bba (19): encryptedpassstring
0x2a10be2 (10): portstring
0x2a10bf9 (13): fakemgrstring
0x2a10c18 (16): encryptedftpuser
0x2a10c3a (16): encryptedphplink
0x2a10c8e (14): websitevisitor
0x2a10cac (11): AdminRights
0x2a10ce8 (11): TaskManager
0x2a10d39 (10): Minecraftt
0x2a10d71 (32): AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute
0x2a10d9e (10): passstring
0x2a10e0f (10): WM_KEYDOWN
0x2a10e28 (11): WM_SYSKEYUP
0x2a10e43 (26): LastCheckedForegroundTitle
0x2a10e8d (10): MyFirewall
0x2a10eb1 (18): CleanedPasswordsWB
0x2a1157b (10): DeleteFile
0x2a1159f (17): SetApartmentState
0x2a115cb (13): IsNullOrEmpty
0x2a115f2 (13): WriteAllBytes
0x2a11614 (12): DownloadFile
0x2a116e7 (18): GetProcessesByName
0x2a11746 (16): NetworkInterface
0x2a1178d (24): get_NetworkInterfaceType
0x2a117bb (21): get_OperationalStatus
0x2a117e3 (21): IsConnectedToInternet
0x2a11855 (11): MailMessage
0x2a11871 (10): SmtpClient
0x2a118bd (12): ComputerInfo
0x2a118e1 (11): CultureInfo
0x2a11902 (14): get_OSFullName
0x2a1192d (21): MailAddressCollection
0x2a11961 (13): set_EnableSsl
0x2a11981 (10): System.Net
0x2a1199c (18): ICredentialsByHost
0x2a119c2 (12): get_Registry
0x2a119e6 (17): RegistryValueKind
0x2a11b09 (24): DESCryptoServiceProvider
0x2a11c92 (11): get_Version
0x2a11cb5 (13): get_OSVersion
0x2a11cdd (12): StreamReader
0x2a11d24 (24): WaitUntilFileIsAvailable
0x2a11d56 (20): AttachmentCollection
0x2a11d8e (12): MemoryStream
0x2a11da6 (21): System.IO.Compression
0x2a11e22 (12): Minecraftsub
0x2a11ef2 (11): SendLogsFTP
0x2a11f0c (12): BinaryWriter
0x2a11f2b (12): ICredentials
0x2a11f43 (16): GetRequestStream
0x2a11f70 (11): SendLogsPHP
0x2a11f95 (13): get_TimeOfDay
0x2a11fb1 (14): ClipboardProxy
0x2a1213c (13): GetExternalIP
0x2a12203 (12): GetAntiVirus
0x2a1223a (15): KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT
0x2a127d5 (11): set_Culture
0x2a127fe (10): get_mailpv
0x2a12828 (14): CMemoryExecute
0x2a1319d (22): dontclearff
0x2a131e5 (28): websitevisitor
0x2a13221 (36): DisableAdminRights
0x2a132ed (22): Disablemelt
0x2a1331b (20): Disablecmd
0x2a13351 (32): Disablespreaders
0x2a1338d (38): Windows Update.exe
0x2a13659 (22): SysInfo.txt
0x2a1369b (28): PredatorLogger
0x2a136d9 (26): Disablelogger
0x2a13779 (50): MozillaFirefoxProfiles
0x2a137e1 (20):
0x2a13839 (40): ClientRegistry.blob
0x2a1388f (54): Microsoft Application Error
0x2a138dd (72): This is an email notifying you that
0x2a13928 (262): has ran your logger and emails should be sent to you shortly and at interval choosen.
Predator Logger Details:
0x2a13a30 (42):
0x2a13a5c (56):
0x2a13a96 (74):
0x2a13ae2 (62): minutes
Stealers Enabled:
Time Log will be delivered: Average 2 to 4 minutes
Local Date and Time:
Installed Language:
Operating System:
Internal IP Address:
External IP Address:
Installed Anti-Virus:
Installed Firewall:
0x2a13cf5 (60): Predator_Painv13_Notification_
0x2a13d3d (68): Predator Pain v13 - Server Ran - [
0x2a13d84 (154): HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced
0x2a13e5a (24): open=Sys.exe
0x2a13ea6 (90): SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
0x2a13f20 (28): CMemoryExecute
0x2a13f46 (106): C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727vbc.exe
0x2a13ffa (22): _wallet.dat
0x2a1403a (84): Microsoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727vbc.exe
0x2a140c2 (28): holdermail.txt
0x2a140e1 (486): **********************************************
0x2a142c9 (46):
0x2a142f9 (30):
0x2a14319 (58):
0x2a14355 (56):
0x2a14390 (466):
WEB Browser Password Recovery
0x2a1473c (930):
Internet Download Manager Recovery
0x2a14b1c (66): Predator Pain v13|Stealer Log - [
0x2a14b7c (24): holderwb.txt
0x2a14b96 (74): Pain File Stealer Bitcoin Stealer - [
0x2a14be3 (128): Steals the Wallet.DAT file that holds the users bitcoin currency
0x2a14c91 (78): Predator Pain v13|Minecraft Stealer - [
0x2a14ce2 (312): There is a file attached to this email containing Minecraft username and password download it then decrypt the login information with my Minecraft Decryptor
0x2a14e84 (72): Predator Pain v13 - Key Recorder - [
0x2a14ecf (454): **********************************************
0x2a15098 (458):
Keylogger Log
0x2a15292 (36): screensscreenshot
0x2a1532e (26): [------------
0x2a15366 (26): 099u787978786
0x2a153be (44): <!-- do not script -->
0x2a1542a (60): SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct
0x2a15480 (58): SELECT * FROM FirewallProduct
0x2a154f2 (36): WebBrowserPassView
0x2a15520 (104): :WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727vbc.exe
0x2a2d464 (106): SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
0x2a2d4fa (116): SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionPoliciesSystem
0x2a2d5b6 (40): -reg 'explorer.exe,
0x2a2d638 (22): SbieDll.dll