Remington 870 shotgun,serial number 12960V,when was it made I am trying to determine when and where my remington wingmaster 12 gauge shotgun was manufactured. It is stamped remington arms canada on the barrel,for 2 3/4' shells and under. It also has the serial number 12960V on the left side of the receiver.


Posts: 680
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:38 pm
Location: NY
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:00 pm
Here is some information that you can get from you serial number after 1921
Remington's manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. The following letters correspond to the months of the year
Month Codes: [first letter]
B - L - A - C - K - P - O - W - D - E - R - X
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
Year:---------Code: [second and/or third letters]
1940---------- J
1941---------- K
1942---------- L
1943---------- MMZ
1944---------- NN
1945---------- PP
1946---------- RR
1947---------- SS
1948---------- TT
1949---------- UU
1950---------- WW
1951---------- XX
1952---------- YY
1953---------- ZZ
1954---------- A
1955---------- B
1956---------- C
1957---------- D
1958---------- E
1959---------- F
1960---------- G
1961---------- H
1962---------- J
1963---------- K
1964---------- L
1965---------- M
1966---------- N
1967---------- P
1968---------- R
1969---------- S
1970---------- T
1971---------- U
1972---------- W
1973---------- X
1974---------- Y
1975---------- Z
1976---------- I
1977---------- O
1978---------- Q
1979---------- V
1980---------- A
1981---------- B
1982---------- C
1983---------- D
1984---------- E
1985---------- F
1986---------- G
1987---------- H
1988---------- I
1989---------- J
1990---------- K
1991---------- L
1992---------- M
1993---------- N
1994---------- O
1995---------- P
1996---------- Q
1997---------- R
1998---------- S
1999---------- T
2000---------- U
2001---------- W
2002---------- X
Using barrel codes (such as those listed above) to date the manufacture are reliable on Remington rifles, as the company rarely changed barrels on a customer's rifle.
Using these barrel codes to date a shotgun is somewhat unreliable, as shotgun barrels are often interchanged at random. One needs to be sure that the barrel is original to the gun before trusting the Barrel Code listing, above.
(*) On 8/9/99, stopped stamping the barrels with the date code. They continued to mark the date code on the end flap of the shipping box. They resumed stamping the date code on the barrel on 10/1/01.

If it still has the original barrel look at the left side of thebarrel back toward the receiver and get the date code - it will bea series of two letters or three letters - the first letter is themonth represented by BLACKPOWDERX B being January and X beingDecember. The next two or one letter represents the year ofmanufacture. 1950 is WW, 1951 is XX, 52 is YY, 53 is ZZ, 54 is A,55 is B, 56 is C, 57 is D, 58 is E, 59 is F, 60 is G, 61 is H, 62is J, 63 is K, 64 is L, 65 is M, 66 is N, 67 is P, and 1968 is R.That is all that you should need because in 1968 Remington changedthe serial number structure and added a letter to the front of theserial number.

Manufacture date of Remington Wingmaster 12 gauge model 870 serial 1166067X?

Lookup date code on Remington Society of America here:

How do you find out the date of manufacture for a Remington Model 870 Wingmaster?

The barrel date code is the primary method of dating a Remington. Of course, if the barrel is not the original barrel for the gun that complicates things. The Remington factory could probably date it by serial number.

What year is a Remington wingmaster model 870 with the serial number 35150w?

Remington 870

They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America. --- Update: It's important to note that the barrel on the shotgun MAY not be the barrel that was originally on the shotgun at purchase. Check the serial number with Remington.

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The manufacture date of western field model M782 with the serial 830424 is 2012.

What is the age of remington 870 wingmaster serial 899596v?

How old is Remington 870 wingmaster left hand ser.?

They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America.

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If you provide the serial number in your question then I can give you the date of manufacture.

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By it's serial number.Go to to find the date of manufacture.

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to secure an accurate manufacture date the FULL serial number is needed.

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Impossible to answer without a serial number and a description.

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If you would post the serial number and model number,I can give you a date of manufacture.

What year is remington's 870 wingmaster with serial number 494671x?

Look at the date code stamp on the barrel, see related link.

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No way to answer without a maker and serial number.

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Where can i get a List of barrel marking for 12 gauge Remington wingmaster 870?

Remington Society of America, there is a link for manufacture dates link which will explain the date codes.

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what is the manufacture date of a .38 police positive special serial number b 81

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The year of manufacture for serial number 3699507 is 1972.

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Remington 870 Receiver Serial Number

The date of manufacture of Colt 1903 Hammerless .32 is 1916.(193000-234999)

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What is the manufacture date for Winchester Model 94 Serial?

Manufacture date of smith and Wesson serial?

You must provide a detailed description and the serial number.

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No way to answer since you did not provide a serial number.

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What is the manufacture date of Remington Model 1903 serial 3112724?

A link to the manufacture date tables by serial can be found on the Remington Society of America on this page. 1942

How can you find the manufacture date of a Winchester model 101 using the serial number?

You should be able to contact Winchester and see if you may find the year of production by serial number thru there archives.If not I do have the manufacture dates of the first 250,000 made.You will need to have your serial number available to research the date of manufacture.

How old is your Remington 870 wingmaster serial?

Check the date code on the left side of the barrel. The details and chart can be found on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.

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The 2 letters in your serial number identify the year of manufacture for your browning cynergy as 2004.

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The date of manufacture is determined by the Colt model type and serial number. See:

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870 Wingmaster Serial Number Age

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Remington 870 Serial Number Lookup

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